At the regular meeting on January 9, 2014, the Village Board approved an application for a zoning permit and conditional use permit submitted by The Prairie School for renovation of its soccer field. The proposal included construction of a new synthetic soccer field, field lighting, spectator seating, field security fencing and perimeter landscaping.
After the proposal was reviewed by staff, a public hearing was held at the Plan Commission meeting on January 7 where the applicants made a presentation and members of the public had the opportunity to comment and ask questions. The Plan Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the application, subject to a list of conditions submitted by the zoning administrator and village engineer.
The Village Board approved the project, subject to a refined list of conditions submitted by the zoning administrator and village engineer. Assuming all conditions are met, the school plans to begin construction in May with the field in operation by late summer. The full list of conditions are as follows:
- Before beginning this project, the owners of the above referenced property must obtain a zoning permit card from the Village Zoning Administration after paying the required zoning permit fee of $40.00. This card must be displayed in a prominent location on the site and a copy of the conditions must be kept at the site at all times.
- Failure to comply with the terms and conditions stated herein could result in citations being issued and/or the approval/permit being revoked.
- This approval will expire July 9, 2014 unless substantial work has commenced following such grant. If the Zoning Administrator determines that no substantial work has commenced the project may not occur unless the Village of Wind Point Planning Commission and Village Board grants a written extension. Written extension requests must be submitted to the Village Zoning Administrator thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the zoning permit.
- The proposed soccer field, field lighting, spectator seating, field security fencing and perimeter landscaping plan shall be sized and located as shown on the submitted plans and written documentation, dated December 20, 2013.
- The proposed soccer facility shall be restricted to Prairie School, Inc. use only. Soccer field usage shall be restricted to those uses allowed in the submitted written documentation, dated December 20, 2013.
- The proposed lighting plan shall be located as shown on the submitted plans, dated December 20,2013 and shall comply with the standards outlined in 3.06 Exterior Lighting Regulations, (with exception to 3.06.030 Height of Light Fixtures), found in Chapter 10, (Zoning) of the Village of Wind Point Ordinances. All outside lighting around the perimeter of the soccer field shall be terminated on or before 9:30 p.m. after each schedule game. The submitted plan indicates that the light poles will exceed the maximum twenty (20) foot height requirement and the proposed lighting will exceed the required .20 maximum light spillage onto the adjoining residential lots, measured in foot-candles. The property owner shall submit a soccer field lighting plan that illustrates the height of the light poles and the height of the lights on said light poles measured from existing yard grade. In addition, the plan shall illustrate that there will not be more than a .20 maximum light spillage onto the adjacent residential lots. This plan must be submitted to the Village Zoning Administrator for his review and approval prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.
- It is the responsibility of the spectators attending the schedule soccer field games to comply with the Village of Wind Point parking requirements when parking within the public right-of-way of Lakemeadow and Campus Drive.
- To prevent sedimentation from entering into the Campus Drive and Lakemeadow Drive road ditches, a temporary diversion must be constructed downslope from the construction project. This diversion must be constructed of filter fabric fencing placed into a four-inch by four-inch V-shaped trench, backfilled with fill material, and compacted. This diversion must be installed before any excavation begins, and it must remain in place and be maintained until permanent seeding or sodding is established as determined by this office. See the attached copy of “Filter Fabric Fences” for installation requirements.
- There shall be no earth moving activities or stock piling of earth material within the shoreland area of Lake Michigan or the man-made lakes located to the north and west of the proposed project. Construction vehicles and equipment used for this project may be staged in the tennis court parking lot. Filter fabric material shall be installed around the parking lot inlet drains to prevent sedimentation from entering into the shoreline of the man-made lake. Applicant shall identify the location of the shoreland area(s) on this property.
- During construction, this site must have graveled roads, access drives, and/or parking areas of sufficient width and length to prevent sediment from being tracked onto public or private roadways. Any sediment reaching a public or private road must be removed by street cleaning (not flushing) before the end of each workday or as determined by the jurisdictional highway authority.
- All excess fill material not needed for backfilling around the exterior of the soccer field or for the landscaping berms must be removed from the property.
- All disturbed areas not maintained in a hard surface or landscaping berms shall be permanently seeded or sodded by September 30, 2014.
- The landscaping plan shall be installed in accordance with the submitted plan, dated December 20, 2013. The Village of Wind Point would like the applicant to identify the type of trees and plant species on the submitted plan, prior to the issuance of the zoning permit. All landscaping shall be completed by September 30, 2014.
- Provide details for the storm sewer structures. (Village Engineer’s condition)
- Provide storm sewer sizing calculations. (Village Engineer’s condition)
- Submit the storm sewer design to the Department of Safety & Professional Services (DSPS) for approval and provide a copy to the Village. (Village Engineer’s condition)
- Submit a copy of the site’s Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Notice of Intent (NOI) permit prior to any land disturbing activity. (Village Engineer’s condition)
- Do not break or damage any underground tile. If encountered, any underground agricultural tile line must be rerouted or fixed. If any underground tile is encountered that has anything but clean water flowing through it, contact Racine County Code Administration at (262) 886-8475 to investigate.
- A complete and thorough maintenance program must be established to insure attractiveness. The continued positive appearance of the proposed soccer facility and the property is dependent upon proper maintenance attitudes and procedures. Maintenance programs must be established that include watering maintaining and pruning all landscape plants and shrubs; cleaning up litter; sweeping, cleaning, and repairing paved surfaces; and replacing burned outside lights.
- The applicant must allow full and unlimited access to the project site at any reasonable time to the Zoning Administrator or any employee or representative designated by Village of Wind Point who is investigating the project’s construction, operation, or maintenance.
- The Village of Wind Point reserves the right to request, at the sole expense of the property owner, an as-built survey of the proposed project with elevations in order to verify final yard grades and other elevation data related to said project.
- The applicant is responsible for obtaining all other necessary Federal, State, and local permits before work begins on the project.
- No additions, deletions, or changes may be made to these conditions without prior amendment approval from the Village of Wind Point.
- You’re accepting this approval/permit and beginning the project means that you have read, understand, and agree to follow these conditions. Therefore, Prairie School Inc., their heirs, successors, and assigns are responsible for full compliance with these conditions.
- It is the property owner’s responsibility to inform any subsequent owner or operator of these conditions.
For more on the project see: