The Village is currently accepting bids from contractors to construct improvements at Village Green park. Bid packages are available from Nielsen, Madsen and Barber. The bid deadline is March 2 at 11 a.m. and the sealed bids will be publicly opened at that time. The Village Board will have an opportunity to award the contract to the lowest comprehensive, responsible bidder. Construction is expected to be completed by July 15, 2017.
The following improvements will be included in the construction: updated playground with modernized, age-specific playground areas; continuous pathway around the perimeter of the park; reconfigured parking to eliminate extra driveways; new tennis court fencing and replacing one tennis court with a dedicated pickleball court; and updated landscaping with new trees around the tennis courts. The Village will receive alternate bids for installing a fence for a dog exercise area in the southwest area of the park; the Village Board will then have the opportunity to evaluate the cost of the dog park area and determine if this component will move forward in 2017.
For more information, click here to visit the project webpage.