Stay up-to-date with the Village of Wind Point by signing up for E-News. You will receive the monthly E-News e-mail on or around the first of each month with important information about Village services and events. You will also receive Special E-News alerts from time-to-time with more urgent information. Just click the button below and provide your e-mail address.

Newsletter Archive
To view past issues of the E-News (October 2013 to Present), click here to visit the E-News archive. To view issues of Points of Light Newsletter and prior Village newsletters, click here.

About E-News
In September 2013, the Village discontinued the Points of Light monthly newsletter and transitioned to the e-mail newsletter format. The change helped eliminate the costs of paper, copying and postage involved with the paper newsletter. In addition, the e-mail newsletter version provides the opportunity to link to the Village website and other online resources for more information.

All you need to provide to receive E-News is an e-mail address. However, if you do not have an e-mail address, or prefer not to use your e-mail address, you can still access E-News by visiting the E-News Archive Page. In addition, hard copies of E-News are available at the Administrative Office. You can print E-News from your computer using the printing instructions from the web browser or e-mail client you use.

Please note that your e-mail client may sort E-News into the Junk or Spam folder since it uses an e-mail list distribution service; if you use Gmail, E-News may get sorted into the “Promotions” folder.

You may unsubscribe from E-News at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any E-News or by contacting the Administrative Office. Please note that by being on the E-News e-mail list your e-mail address may be considered a public record and subject to the provisions of the Wisconsin Public Records laws.